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What to Know When Hiring a Lawyer for a Federal Crime


When should you hire a criminal defense lawyer? As soon as you suspect that the federal government is looking into you. The federal criminal court system is powerful, vast, and dangerous for numerous reasons. Nobody wants to be the target of a detailed-oriented federal agent, a trained officer, or a...

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  1929 Hits

Lawyer's Advice – What Should New Businesses Know About the IRS Tax?


In their search for success, new businesses usually forget to address some of the more important things related to their activity. For example, although a business may forget online marketing, others may even forget why IRS tax matters and why you should have a lawyer available and ready to ask any ...

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  2428 Hits

DUI Police Report – What it Shows and How it Affects You


Most of the time, a DUI attorney will only take a look at their client's police report in order to determine whether they'll be further charged, jailed, or penalized. This is because a police report can ruin one's defense case – even in situations when the one accused of DUI is innocent. As such, it...

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  2000 Hits

Here's Why Lawyers and Law Firms Need Brand Recognition

Need a Lawyer legal documents

Here's Why Lawyers and Law Firms Need Brand Recognition When searching for a lawyer or a law firm, we no longer grab our phone book, the newspaper, or attempt to find a shady lawyer's office throughout the town. Nowadays, we simply make a Google search, read some reviews, and determine if that's the...

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  2364 Hits

How Does the Pandemic Affect the Lives of Couples?


As the social distancing and forced lockdown measures are obliging us to spend the majority, if not all of our time inside the house, couples are starting to see the effects of these implications in their love life. Whether this pandemic has found you and your significant other under the same roof o...

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  2372 Hits

5 Key Traits to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer


No matter where you live or how careful you are in life, bad things sadly happen to good people. In a split second, your life as you know it can change. Whether you were injured by a drunk driver's actions or had a slip and fall accident at work, it's important that you file a personal injury claim ...

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  2332 Hits

4 reasons why your Facebook page is great for your law firm


As a legal firm, you're probably aware of the importance of having a strong, fully optimized website. You have your contact details, your company information, details about cases and wins for your clients. Your website helps to demonstrate your success and helps to get your firm's ethos across effec...

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  3341 Hits

Questions to ask a lawyer before hiring them


Most of us need the services of a lawyer, at least once in our lives. Perhaps to make a will, buy a house, get a divorce or claim compensation after an accident. The list of ways legal professionals can inform and guide you is a long one. But, you need to do your research before hiring a lawyer. Ask...

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  4242 Hits

7 Careers You Can Pursue with a Law Degree


Even as a junior Law student, you'll have to think seriously about your future after you finish Law School. This is because, while other fields of study come with a certain flexibility, law requires you to have a decent plan in place – so that you know what to focus your studying on. It is recommend...

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  2281 Hits

Finding the Best Law Firm in Barrie

If you find yourself in any type of situation that requires the assistance of a legal expert, then it becomes essential that you find a law firm which provides not only competent, but also highly skilled and experienced legal specialists. The problem with this task is often times that potential clie...

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  3022 Hits

Helpful Notary Services in Barrie

There are few things in life more frustrating than when we could have saved ourselves so much effort, headache, and expense by just taking the time to perform a simple little task prior to dealing with the events that may come up later as a result of failing to do so. There is no better example of t...

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  2783 Hits

What are my sickness rights at work?

sickness rights

When it comes to sickness, you have certain rights that are designed to protect you. One example is HIPAA. HIPAA is the Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act and was put in place in 1996 with the intention of protecting individuals' health information when moving from one place of work...

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  3489 Hits

Prenup Agreements in Barrie

Do you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of getting ready for marriage, but wanting to first set up a prenup between you and your fiancé? If so, you are most likely anxious and uncertain about how exactly to even bring it up to them. Well, let us help to put your mind at ease for the time ...

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  3028 Hits

How to Manage a Personal Injury Claim


Whether you hire a lawyer or not, there are still some things that you have to do and take care of when it comes to dealing with a personal injury claim. As you may know, you can manage some types of claims alone, while you need a lawyer for the complicated ones. For example, a simple fender-bender ...

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  2467 Hits

The Importance of Working with a Reputed Lawyer


When you're looking for a lawyer, you shouldn't try to save money by picking the cheapest one you can find – even though you think they're good enough at what they do. Many times, people who have been involved in car accidents, for example, rely on the easiest and simplest option. Namely, they go fo...

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  2421 Hits

Helpful Real Estate Lawyers in Barrie

When it comes to the many different types of law that are practiced all throughout the country, one of the most critical yet still underutilized legal professionals is a real estate lawyer. This particular avenue of the law is full of tricky contracts and documents and many other uncertainties. Folk...

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  3182 Hits

Disabled veterans benefit entitlements: Explained

disability Disabled Veterans Benefits

Applying for disability benefits as a veteran can be a confusing and, sometimes, a disheartening process. It is a complex system that often results in incorrect ratings and rejections of applications. It can also be unclear as to what veterans are entitled to as well so it can often be beneficial to...

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  3201 Hits

Prenuptial Agreement Services in Barrie

Getting married is one of the most exciting and scary times of a person's life. With so much planning that goes into the wedding and honeymoon, as well as arraigning all of the activities with family and friends, which take place prior, it is easy to see why sometimes a very important task gets over...

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  3019 Hits

Filing For Bankruptcy - Should you hire a lawyer or do it yourself?

You may think that filing for bankruptcy requires a lawyer to represent you. If you're strapped for cash, you may think that you're doomed because you'll probably can't afford a lawyer to help you. Good news: you can go DIY if you file for bankruptcy! So, being strapped for cash shouldn't be a probl...

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  2773 Hits

Professional Mediation Specialists in Barrie

There are any number of legal services that a person might find themselves in need of at some point or another in their life. Even though courts and judges and lawyers carry a certain dread and uneasiness with them, perhaps for no other reason than TV courtroom and legal dramas, the fact is the vast...

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  2458 Hits